Welcome...come and share, for this is a sanctuary dedicated to the celebration of Women...Women whom are energetic, Women whom are unmotivated, Women whom sew, Women who can barely tie their own shoes, Women whom write, Women whom cannot read, Women whom have bear the children of the World, Women whom raise them, Women whom give that responsibility to others, Women whom are bearen, Women whom change the diapers, Women whom wash them, Women whom garden, Women whom have a black thumb, Women whom cook such exquisite delicacies, Women whom burn water, Women whom design, Women whom don't think they have a creative bone in them, Women whom fight, Women whom Love, Women whom can see, Women whom are blind, Women who've been beat, Women whom can't be beat, Women whom build esteem, buildings, law, & fires, Women whom break down barriers, cruelty, dishonor, & shame, Women whom give in, Women whom give, Women whom follow the rules, Women whom break them, Women whom teach, Women whom need to be taught, Women whom wear the viel, Women whom wear no clothes, Women whom clean, Women whom spend cleaning time with their children, Women whom have no imagination, Women whom still know that they are Fairies, Women whom are healthy, Women whom are sick, Women whom fall, Women whom climb, Women whom grow, Women whom can't find Growth's door, Women who are abusive, Women whom are raped, Women whom are aggressive, Women whom are too shy to say what's on their minds, Women whom are tiny, Women whom are sizeable, Women whom think, Women whom are trying not to, Women whom judge, Women whom need to judge more, Women whom make paintings, Women whom buy them, Women whom sing, Women whom are mute, Women whom have no faith, Women whom will stand alone waiting, Women whom smile, Women whom cry, Women whom are weak, Women whom are mighty, Women whom are frail, Women whom are boasteful, Women whom are scared, Women whom are brave, Women whom are black, Women whom are white, Women whom are all shades in between... Women whom inspire...
We are the Women of the World...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, June 4, 2010

A glimpse into being One with the Wild...

New safety tip...

new safety tip in the Worldly safety tips page! video clip also..lovelaney

Friday, May 21, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day Week!

Happy Mothers' Day Week
I do declare...
One day doesn't do it
For our affair..

With dishes, and laundry
and checking on the food...
One day, surely
would be too rude...

Yes, I believe
there's reasoning for this...
I don't always get
what's on my Christmas list...

Theses things are simple,
much more simple than before...
All I want now
is to hide behind the door...

With my bath, my bubbles,
my terms, and my sighs...
I just want to surrender
to the sweet surprise...

or go for a walk,
or whatever I may do...
yes I think it's time
for more than one day or two...

Nor three, nor four
Nor five, six or seven,
yes, it 'tis true...
I lead to eight; it's heaven!

I do declare,
there aren't enough days in the week!
Now surely you agree
with all the ways I speak...

So tonite
when you go to bed.....
you will remember
just what I said...

It's Mothers' Day tomorrow,
no time to squabble bout what 'tis true...
and the next and next times two...
so Happy Mothers' Day to you!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Was on my way to
water...early morning
on-the-side fun with
the sun...
Lalani Sky DeVine

Some of my favs!

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